Where is Roscadghill Parc?

Roscadghill Parc Wildlife

Roscadghill Parc, Heamoor
Penzance, Cornwall
- map 1

Roscadghill Parc, Heamoor
Penzance, Cornwall
- map 2

Roscadghill Parc, Heamoor
Penzance, Cornwall
- map 3

Maps are included here to show people where the housing estate at Roscadghill Parc is situated, and show the boundary used for the purpose of this website, in photographing and recording wildlife.

Wildlife recording at Roscadghill Parc is made more difficult in that the area falls within four 1Km grid squares. Most of the wildlife featured here is found within and recorded from the south-west 1Km square as it is where the author of this site lives. Recording wildlife is important as it tells us where species can 'historically' be found and the time of year they can be found.

Data can be used to determine the distribution of a species and over a period of time determine if a species is in decline, static or on the increase.

Maps are © Ordnance SurveyLtd. and used here for educational purposes and to show the boundary and search area of this local study.

Roscadghill Parc Map Heamoor Penzance Location