The African Garden

An online resource dedicated to the photography and promotion
of South and Southern African species of bulbs and their hybrids.
Many images from NCCPG Plant Collections once held by David Fenwick.

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Eucomis 'Frank Lawley' (Eucomis / Pineapple Lily Images)
Eucomis 'Frank Lawley'
A Hybrid Pineapple Lily
- flower spike 1

Eucomis 'Frank Lawley'
A Hybrid Pineapple Lily
- flower spikes 1

Eucomis 'Frank Lawley'
A Hybrid Pineapple Lily
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Eucomis 'Frank Lawley'
A Hybrid Pineapple Lily
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Eucomis 'Frank Lawley'
A Hybrid Pineapple Lily
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Eucomis 'Frank Lawley'
A Hybrid Pineapple Lily
- flower 1

Eucomis 'Frank Lawley'
A Hybrid Pineapple Lily
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Eucomis 'Frank Lawley'
A Hybrid Pineapple Lily
- flower 3

Eucomis 'Frank Lawley'
Height in Flower - 85cm
Length of Flowering Head - 34cm
Flower Diameter - 35mm
Flower Colour - Off white to cream, tinted red green with age.
Crown - Equal to width of inflorescence
Leaf Length - 73cm
Leaf Width - 9.2cm
Leaf Colour - Green, with pronounced white midrib.

Photographs of this Eucomis were taken at the former African Garden in Estover, Plymouth, Devon; once home to the NCCPG National Collection of Eucomis with Galtonia.


Mail order plants of this variety are also available from:

Trecanna Nursery

Eucomis Frank Lawley Pineapple Lily Images