The African Garden

An online resource dedicated to the photography and promotion
of South and Southern African species of bulbs and their hybrids.
Many images from NCCPG Plant Collections once held by David Fenwick.

A-P-H-O-T-O Wildlife Stock Image Library
Freesia laxa 'Rainbow Hybrid' - pale pink (Freesia / Anomatheca Images)
Freesia laxa 'Rainbow Hybrid'
syn. Anomatheca laxa
'Rainbow Hybrid' - pale pink
- flower 1

Freesia laxa 'Rainbow Hybrid'
syn. Anomatheca laxa
'Rainbow Hybrid' - pale pink
- flower 2

Freesia laxa 'Rainbow Hybrid'
syn. Anomatheca laxa
'Rainbow Hybrid' - pale pink
- flower 3

Bred by Don Rix of Pine Heights Hippy's, Queensland, Australia. Shorter plants than the UK strain but these don't bleach much in the sun. Colours range from plants like Joan Evans to a really nice pale pink. Recommended garden plant for climates a little warmer than the UK.

Photographs of this Freesia taken at the former African Garden in Estover, Plymouth, Devon; once home to the NCCPG National Collection of Freesia Anomatheca Group.


Freesia laxa Rainbow Hybrid pale pink Anomatheca laxa Rainbow Hybrid pale pink Images