Tulbaghia leucantha Hilliard & Burtt 11996 (RBGE 19790330)
The above form of T. leucantha has a distribution that includes N.W. Lesotho and Orange Free State, South Africa, and was once referred to, and is synonymous with Tulbaghia dieterlenii.
Please note Tulbaghia leucantha is exceptionally variable in flower and in height. All these photos have been accepted by Dr. Canio Vosa as correct for this species.
Tulbaghia cfr. leucantha * possible intermediate T. coddii x T. leucantha ID Vosa*
Interspecific Hybrids of Tulbaghia (for T. violacea and its hybrids see Tulbaghia violacea Image Index)
Tulbaghia natalensis x cernua ?*
Tulbaghia natalensis or verdoorniae x cernua*
Tulbaghia natalensis x verdoorniae