The African Garden

An online resource dedicated to the photography and promotion
of South and Southern African species of bulbs and their hybrids.
Many images from NCCPG Plant Collections once held by David Fenwick.

A-P-H-O-T-O Wildlife Stock Image Library
Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist' (Zantedeschia / Arum Images)
Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Arum or Altar Lily
- flower side view 1

Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Arum or Altar Lily
- flowering plant 1

Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Arum or Altar Lily
- flower 1

Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Arum or Altar Lily
- flower 2

Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Arum or Altar Lily
- flower 3

Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Arum or Altar Lily
- flower 4

Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Arum or Altar Lily
- seed capsules 1


Zantedeschia pink mist Zantedeschia Arum Images