The African Garden

An online resource dedicated to the photography and promotion
of South and Southern African species of bulbs and their hybrids.
Many images from NCCPG Plant Collections once held by David Fenwick.

The African Garden Tree and Shrub Image Index Euryops Phygelis Buddleja etc
Tree and Shrub Image Index (Euryops, Phygelis, Buddleja etc.)
Ilex mitis - African Holly

Buddleja loricata - Mountain Sagewood
Buddleja salviifolia - African Sagewood
Euryops chrysanthemoides - Golden Daisy Bush
Euryops pectinatus - Golden Euryops
Euryops species (ex. Cape Town, Western Cape, SA.)
Gomphostigma virgata - River Stars
Phygelius aequalis 'Yellow Trumpet' - Cape Fuchsia Phygelius x rectus - Cape Fuschia
Phygelius x rectus 'Trewidden Pink' - Cape Fuchsia